{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf320 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10100\viewh11920\viewkind0 \deftab960 \pard\pardeftab960\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 For Everyman\ Jackson Browne\ \ \ Intro: D G D G\ \ D G D G\ Everybody I talk to is ready to leave with the light of the morning\ D G D\ They've seen the end comin' down long enough to believe\ G\ That they've heard their last warning\ F#m7 B7 Em A7\ Standing alone, each has his own ticket in his hand\ G A G D G\ And as the evening descends I sit thinking 'bout everyman\ \ D G D\ Seems like I've always been searchin' for some other place\ G\ To get it together\ D G D\ Where with a few of my friends I could give up the race\ G\ And maybe find something better\ F#m7 B7\ But all my fine dreams and well-thought-out schemes\ Em A7\ To gain the motherland\ G A G D\ Have all eventually come down to waiting for everyman\ \ Asus4 A\ Waiting here for everyman\ D G\ Make it on your own if you think you can\ Asus4 A D G\ But if you see some way to go, I understand\ Asus4 A\ Waiting here for everyman\ D G A D G\ Don't ask me if he'll show, baby I don't know\ Bm G\ Make it on your own if you think you can\ Bm E\ Somewhere later on you'll have to take a stand\ Asus4 A\ Then you're gonna need a hand\ \ D G D\ Everybody's just waiting to hear from the one\ G\ Who can give them the answers\ \ D G D\ And lead them back to that place in the warmth of the sun\ G\ Where sweet childhood still dances\ F#m7 B7 Em A7\ But who'll come along and hold out that strong but gentle father's hand?\ G A G D\ Long ago I heard someone say something 'bout everyman\ \ \ Asus4 A\ Waiting here for everyman\ D G\ Make it on your own if you think you can\ Asus4 A D G\ But if you see some way to go, I understand\ \ Bm G\ I'm not trying to tell you that I've seen the plan\ Bm E\ Turn and walk away if you think I am\ G A7/A# Bm D\ But don't think too badly of one who's left holding sand\ G A G D G D\ He's just another dreamer, dreamin' 'bout everyman}