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The Diomass Leadership Development Initiative (LDI) is a rigorous, hands-on, training program that aims to develop spiritual leaders for God’s dream of a just and reconciled creation.

Please watch an example of how we train people in public narrative as a form of evangelism.  Here, Sarah van Gulden, shares the story of why she is committed to the BPEACE for Jorge campaign to end gun violence from our training event in January 2013.

Coming Up…

On Oct 19th from 9am – noon the Leadership Development Initiative (LDI) will host a free “Taste and See” (Location TBD) event for any individuals or groups interested in LDI. It will be an opportunity to meet the leaders and learn about the program and the leadership tools. The dates for this year’s program and trainings are here.

P1000547LDI supports teams to develop justice projects in their local communities using leadership tools developed in the community organizing field. In the words of LDI mentor Marshall Ganz, LDI understands a leader to be someone who takes responsibility for enabling others to achieve purpose in the face of uncertainty.  

LDI works with any and all Christian ecumenical-teams including: Episcopal churches; other Christian churches and groups; schools; and non-profits.