By dbonneville on March 31, 2013
Acts of the Apostles 10: 34a, 37-43; 1 Corinthians 5: 6b-8; John 20:1-9 The Gospels do not give us an account of the actual Resurrection. We are told only that the tomb is empty and that a woman named Mary sees Jesus in the garden. The women find the tomb empty early in the morning, [...]
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By dbonneville on March 30, 2013
Easter Vigil, March 30th, 8PM ~~~~~~~~~~ Lenten Reflection-Holy Saturday Gen. 1: 1-2: 2; Ex. 14:15-15:1; Is. 55:1-11; Ez. 36: 16-17a, 18-28; Rom. 6: 3-11; Mark 16: 1-7; The crowds have gone home and the streets of Jerusalem are empty this Sabbath morning. Those who cheered Jesus earlier this week and who cried out for his [...]
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By dbonneville on March 29, 2013
March 29th, Solemn Liturgy of The Lord’s Passion, 3:00 PM & 6:30 PM, ~~~~~~~~~~ Lenten Reflection-Good Friday Is. 52: 13-53: 12; Heb. 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9; Jn 18:1-19:42 The Passion of Jesus began last night in the garden, when he was in such agony that he sweated drops of blood and prayed to be delivered from [...]
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By dbonneville on March 28, 2013
March 28th, 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Prayer at the repository until 11:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~ Lenten Reflection-Holy Thursday Exodus 12: 1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor. 11: 23-26; John 13:1-15: When Jesus had his feet washed earlier this week, he was criticized by fellow guests who were made uncomfortable by this gesture of hospitality. Judas even protested [...]
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By dbonneville on March 27, 2013
Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Matthew 26: 14-25 The final days of Jesus’ life on earth are depicted in tense, shadowy moments at table with his disciples. Both Matthew’s and John’s accounts of the final meal in the upper room contain elements of betrayal and darkness and dread. When Jesus says, “One of you will betray me,” [...]
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By dbonneville on March 26, 2013
Tuesday: Isaiah 49: 1-6; John 13: 21-33, 36-38 Betrayal, denial, and darkness are the themes of today’s liturgy. Isaiah reminds us that these are the reasons that Jesus must suffer and die. Jesus has sat at table with his disciples many times, but now there is unrest. He tells them, “One of you will betray [...]
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By dbonneville on March 25, 2013
Monday: Isaiah 42: 1-7; John 12: 1-11 The power of God is revealed now in his vulnerability. As Isaiah writes, “He will not cry out or make his voice heard in the street. He shall not break a bruised reed or quench a smoldering wick.” Today’s Gospel tells us that the Anointed of the Lord [...]
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