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Chicago Spine and Sports is a progressive health care facility dedicated to providing “state of the art” natural pain relief treatments, coupled with education about how to stay out of pain.

Our goal is to get you going, not keep you coming!

Our services are on the forefront of the profession and are based in science and research. Your body’s musculature is the primary source of motion, posture and stability. Joints only move because muscles move them – we treat your muscles with deep tissue therapy and rehabilitative training to provide long term solutions to joint conditions.

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The total system of patient care known as the McKenzie Method® is an approach that is trusted and used by practitioners and patients all over the world for common back and neck problems.

Most low back pain is “mechanical” in origin, meaning that an applied force caused the pain. A basic philosophy of McKenzie’s theory is that the reverse force can probably abolish the pain and restore function.

McKenzie credits the patient’s ability to learn the principles and empowers them to be in control of their own symptom management, which can reduce dependency on medical intervention. The McKenzie Method® promotes the body’s potential to heal itself without medication, heat, cold, ultrasound, needles, surgery or a force dependent on the practitioner. It also addresses a growing demand from patients and third party payers for professional rehabilitation services that develop the patient’s self-treatment skills in a cost-effective and time-effective manner.