2006 Pure Grace Angel & Angelic Blessing

First in the series, this angel raises her hands and holds in billowing ribbons that one bright Bethlehem star with a pearl affixed to its very center. Her dress is buttoned up the back with a series of ever increasing star shapes. (Includes acrylic display stand)

Scripture: And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory! – Isaiah 6:3 (scripture printed on side panel of package)

Size: 4.25″

Item# A4BH06

In awe she raises her arms in adoration to God who spun the starts and celestial splendor reminding us each night of the depth and breadth of His creativity, exceeded only by His infinite grace given to each of us as a gift … and a bright star marked the moment. (printed on back panel of package)






Her pig tails flying, this Angelic Blessing races to the dawn of a new day as illustrated by the bursting sun rays from the rim of her halo… and yet her very best Sunday dress with pearl button affixing her wings and with her laced cuffs and pleated hem all constrain her exuberance at praising God for a new day….Behold the Heavens!

Scripture: The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lo rd lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. – Numbers 6:24-26 (printed on back panel of package)

Size: 3.5″

Item# A3M07

Gazing toward heaven with outstretched arms in joyful adoration, each angel uniquely celebrates God’s creation with reverence and awe at the work of His hands.


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