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Social media

We look after social channels for businesses who don’t have the time or resources, or who simply find the whole idea a bit daunting! We help you join the conversation – raising your profile across whole new networks and spreading your brand message to the people you need to reach.

We also offer training in writing for social media for companies who want to learn how to do it brilliantly themselves, and offer follow-up consultancy sessions where we brainstorm new campaigns and review progress.

What’s different about social media?

Nothing. It still feels quite new, but it still demands the same exacting editorial standards that we apply to any other area. A few years back it would be stimulating conversation and using diplomacy to diffuse arguments on, say, the BBCi Soaps message board. Now we need the same skills when running a Facebook page for a global brand or building up an audience on Twitter.

Why should I outsource my content?

We’re experts in building an audience and producing engaging updates which will drive traffic to your site and build awareness of your brand. Find out more in our section on content updates.

How does it work?

The key is communication. Read more in our blog post Want to outsource your social media? Here’s how to make it work

Where do we work?

We can help with social media services in Cambridge or Ely, but we also work with clients across the UK and overseas.

  • Lürzer's Archive on Facebook Lürzer's Archive on Facebook
  • Angie Greaves on Facebook Angie Greaves on Facebook
  • CamCreative on Facebook CamCreative on Facebook
  • TEDxGranta on Facebook TEDxGranta on Facebook

Who do we work with?

Recent projects

Please note some of these projects have ended so some of the channels are not currently being updated.