Eat, Pray & A Whole Lotta Bullshit

October 10, 2010

When you put the beautiful serenity of Julia Roberts, the effortlessly sexy Spanish scene-stealer Javier Bardem and whispers of boyish charm from James Franco in a potpourri of picturesque locations, you’d be fooled into thinking it’s actually a good movie. But don’t be – the whole movie could’ve just been an ad for Estrella and it would have made more of an impact. The movie was obnoxious, and the whole time I was twiddling my thumbs in anticipation of something good to happen but it never did. All the movie left me with was a full bladder and wondering if I had to cycle my way through Bali when I head there over New Year’s.

I don’t mean to sound like a know-it-all or a cynic, or just simply bitter. I did enjoy some parts of the book – I skipped the praying part because it bored me and it also sounded like preaching, but after I looked up the book, I found out that the author, Elizabeth Gilbert was able to go on such a grand world tour because, “in advance, my publisher has purchased the book I shall write about my travels”. When your book has been bought before you even write it, what do you think you should do to make it sensational?

I hate when people make travelling alone sound like such a big hoopla. Most of my travels I’ve done alone, and in that state of solitudine [that Julia Roberts' character in the movie makes such a big deal of], I’ve made new friends, marvelled at sights, sounds, and devoured food that I would have missed in company. I love being by myself, and I love travelling with myself even more – I don’t have to wait for anybody, feel bad about anybody waiting on me, sulk because I’m missing out on something because I’ve decided to give in to my travelling partner to do.

All that said, my next two trips, and my last two trips for 2010 and the first of 2011′s are quickie trips with friends I can’t wait to see and take on the world with. It’s going to be epic! :o)

Posted in POP CULTURE,WANDERLUST, tagged as | 7 comments

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Camille October 11, 2010 at 12:32 am

I’ve heard nothing but bad things about this movie and I still wanted to see it because of James Franco and Javier Bardem, but your review has changed all that. I will not be plopping down any money for this crap. I’ll just wait for the Drama Diaries book and movie adaptation! Happy travels to you, o fabulous one! ;)

caroline October 11, 2010 at 5:59 pm

yeah, sometimes oprah’s full of shit as well. i picked up the book cos she went on and on. i liked the crying on the toilet floor bit. been there done that and the amazing pizza escapade. otherwise, the rest of it, i yawned through it… and julia roberts really cant act. she was only good as a ‘ho in pretty woman :) and since then she has just been smiling her godzilla smile through the rest of her career and even picked up an oscar for wearing bad camisoles, even worse denim skirts, some Walmart bras and having a really hot biker dude babysit her children in Erin Brockovich. I mean. I just didn’t feel the intelligence, resilience and resourcefullness of the character – who for the record did alot more than seduce the poor utilities boy. Can u remb ay other worthy scene from the movie? Ok rant over.

Faz October 11, 2010 at 9:50 pm

Camille: I want thedramadiaries to get a book deal! Dear Universe, please hear my plea! i will make an awesome book! Trust me! And yes, don’t waste money to watch the crap. Rent something by Almodovar with Bardem and Cruz in a delicious heap altogether!

Caroline: YOU ARE HILARIOUS! I want to be friends with you!!

Norah October 11, 2010 at 11:20 pm

the book was boring in the middle which is when i stopped reading it.
freaking Oprah raved about the movie – i shall stop listening to Oprah’s hype machine and wait for the dvd.

ANG3LA October 12, 2010 at 12:28 pm

Totally agree. I just watched it over the weekend and i was utterly dissapointed. I preferred the book more.

And i think travelling alone is freakin fantastic. for all the reasons you have mentioned above! :)

caroline October 13, 2010 at 2:37 am

Hi Faz!
Thank you for finding me hilarious. I find myself hilarious most times too, as does my credit card officer. The poor man. Usually, if he gets my name right, I let it slide. I’ve always wanted to be able to say “I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse”.

Shereen October 23, 2010 at 6:03 pm

I saw this post the day before I went to watch the movie, and I quickly skipped it because I wanted to judge the movie for myself (as with all the other reviews that were floating out there) and to be honest, they were all right, especially yours!

It was long and draggy and a bore. And to over sensationalised.

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