Couple giving lessons on flying yoga |Wanganui Chronicle
Couple giving lessons on flying yoga | Wanganui Chronicle
Koha Flying Yoga teachers Whakapaingia David Luke and wife Sara Laimon say their yoga would benefit the All Blacks and their injuries.
Mr Luke was a two-season national championship rugby league player for Wellington before he embarked on an overseas trip in 2005 to play in the United States where he was also a coach for Santa Monica in California.
After many rugby injuries Mr Luke discovered his new career and a new lifestyle as a yoga teacher and Thai massage practitioner.
And now, after six years “learning and growing in Los Angeles,” Mr Luke has returned home with his wife and their 14-month old daughter Kotahiataahua to “share the gifts of yoga, bodywork and flying yoga while experiencing the Rugby World Cup”.
Mr Luke, originally from South Taranaki and Ms Laimon from California, are holding a two-hour session in Wanganui on Saturday afternoon.
One day Mr Luke saw his wife-to-be on a California beach “flying” and thought, “I want to do that”.
That meeting changed Mr Luke’s life, and set the couple on a path to share Flying Yoga.
Koha Flying Yoga is accessible to everyone despite their age and weight and the “koha” in the name means they will never turn anyone away, although they do have costs to cover.
Flying transforms people, they say, and teaches them to trust themselves and the other person they work with. “We teach people how to be the base and how to fly, and to be safe.”
Flying Yoga, WellBeings Yoga Studio, on Guyton St above the Flight Centre, today, 2-4pm.
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