I come to Chicago by way of New Orleans where I first began making my living as a bicycle courier. Blown north by Hurricane Katrina, I decided to settle down in Chicago. I spend my days riding my bike around in circles downtown, delivering envelopes to anxious businesspeople. In my spare time, I like to ride my bike around in circles at the velodrome, trying to cross the finish line before anyone else.

09/09 Cycle Messenger World Championship Tokyo Alleycat – 100th
07/09 Scratch Cat 4 Track Race Kenosha – 5th
03/09 Milwaukee Mesenger Invitational Alleycat – 1st
08/08 Bike Messenger Prom King
11/07 The Night Flyer Alleycat – 2nd
07/07 10 Lap Scratch Masters Cat 4/5 Track – 3rd