Personalized Art Prints

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“September's Child... as warm as the last kiss of summer”
x11 - $30

“October's Child... as lovely as the first lacey frost”
x11 - $30

“November's Child... as gentle as the soft falling leaves”
x11 - $30

“July's Child... as joyful as the garden in bloom”
x11 - $30

“December's Child... as joyful as the winter bird's song”
x11 - $30

“August's Child... as bright as the sun in the sky”
x11 - $30

“June's Child... as delightful as the first budding rose”
x11 - $30

“May's Child... as sweet as the clear morning dew”
x11 - $30

“April's Child... as gentle as the whispering rain”
x11 - $30

“March's Child... as fresh as the first breath of spring”
x11 - $30

“February's Child... as kind as the heart full of love”
x11 - $30

“January's Child... as pure as fresh falling snow”
x11 - $30

“These are the good old days”
11x17 - $40

“Personalized with a child's name”
x11 - $30

“Personalized with girl's name”
x11 - $30

“children are a gift from the Lord”
x11 - $30

“You bring a smile to our hearts ”
x11 - $30

x11 - $30

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