JRF’s #28 – A Tale of Two Sons by John MacArthur


I have had this book on my shelf for the past six years.  Preaching on Luke 15 gave me the push I needed to dig into it, and I’m glad I did.

In A Tale of Two Sons John MacArthur does what he does best – good old fashioned Bible exposition.  MacArthur shows that by ignoring both the Scriptural context and the cultural context of the parable commonly known as the Prodigal Son most readers have completely missed the point of this Gospel saturated story and failed to see the shocking ending that this cliffhanger of a story points to.

It was refreshing to look at such a familiar passage, taking the time to hear the message through the ears of those to whom Jesus first spoke these words.  I was often brought to tears as I meditated on the scandalous Grace that my Savior joyfully spends on me.

I highly recommend this book as a great exercise in applying solid hermeneutical principles to a familiar passage.  But more importantly I recommend you read this to refresh, renew, and restore your affections and amazement at the unfathomable love that our Lord lavishes upon us.


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