One of the areas in the American church where God seems to be moving powerfully is in calling Christian families to pursue and support adoption. I could be wrong, I don’t know about the actual numbers, but it seems from my limited experience and friendships that many have gone down or begun the adoption journey – to which I say praise God.
Though I bought this book on the review and recommendation of blogger Tim Challies, both my wife and Ron Coia read the book before I did (read his review for more insight). The catalyst for me to read the book came while preparing a message in a sermon series on the book of Galatians. At the beginning of Galatians 4, Paul explains how as Christians, we are all adopted by God into His family and are consequently heirs to the family inheritance. This was one of my favorite messages to give, and I owe a lot of the insight and illustrations to Russell Moore and this book.
I would encourage all Christians to read this book, to both understand earthly adoption and our heavenly adoption.