

Introduction: HEARBLACK

Just like most aspects (hobbies, life in general…), I think too much of it and ruin the momentum by adding too much brain and not enough spirit in it. Simplicity always wins and reminders of this are influential.

HEARBLACK is a great reminder that easy does it, and to keep it simple, and I think you will be inspired by him also. If you are not acquainted with Nathan Williams (this post doesn’t give him the charter he deserves, either), visit one of my favorite blogs, HEARBLACK. From his amazing photos to his inspiring quotes, I look forward to the way he chapters his life.
He loves the camera in any format and his photos make me want to take out my 35mm and go outside and play.
Plus, a big huge congrats to him- he is getting married and him and his bride to be are adorable! Seriously, they give me a toothache, they are so sweet together.

what is your philosophy on photography?

whoa. I wish I had a mission statement or something. I guess I shoot to share things or remember them. That’s me. If I’m taking a picture I’m doing it ’cause I want to share something with someone else, remember it later… or I guess I could be getting paid to shoot it.. forgot about that. Taking pictures of things makes them more intimate for me. Take a picture of some rust on a car, and suddenly I notice neat rust on everything. Take pictures of a good friend, and I feel like I know them better. Simple.

what inspires you?

i’m traditional with the “photo inspiration” I guess.
Family, friends, and people I love. Maybe even things I love.
If I get a chance to shoot someone I like, I have fun and generally end up with pictures I feel good about. Nothing revolutionary or enlightening, sorry. I like it though. You could probably learn a lot about me from my photo albums ’cause they’re full of people I care about, and stuff I like. My family, friends, soon-to-be-wife, hikes – that sort of stuff dominates the albums. I’d say that’s inspiration.

when did you first pick up a camera?

No idea.
My family always had cheap-o cameras around the house. My first click has unfortunately passed by undocumented. Frankly I’m impressed if anyone remembers. That’s awesome.

what is your favorite camera?
i’m lucky to have access to a ton of great cameras through my job shooting for our university newspaper. funny thing is, i have the most fun playing around with a cheap 35m film camera i got at thrift stores awhile back. That one, and sometimes i’ll treat myself to a disposable camera. I can’t get enough of them. Honestly, there is something to be said for the anticipation and suspense that comes with disposables – any film cameras really. It’s different than when I shoot digital. Don’t get me wrong, digital is great – instant gratification.
Don’t like it?… try again, and again, and again.
It’s a completely different experience with film.
It’s risky, suspenseful, unknown, each shot is more valuable.
I get excited thinking about how each shot will turn out, toss the roll in a bin at the grocery store, wait a week, then it’s like christmas flipping through the printed shots later… Pretty nerdy, but take me seriously and pull out the film camera from your closet this weekend.
No, really – try it out if you haven’t for awhile.
For me, film is fun and digital is all business.
sometimes my prints come back from the lab with a nice note from the printer-people (?) apologizing for all the imperfections and bad exposures, they’ve even sent notes with tips on how to avoid the imperfections. I think it’s funny ’cause the imperfections are what I love. Just different perspectives I guess.

analog, instant or digital?

i’ll be honest, i’d have to google the difference.
i don’t know how i got a job as a photographer without knowing anything.
i feel stupid when people ask me what cameras i shoot with because I actually don’t know the names.
“film” and “digital”. I have a couple of each.
canon, holga, disposable, underwater – there are four more names I could give you from what I use.

what is your favorite photo and why?

i don’t know why this one is my favorite, I just come back to it often and feel good when I see it. I might be different for me than when someone else looks at it because i’ve got experiences attached to it. I took it while hitching a ride in the back of a truck in India a few years ago. The kids were trying to catch up to us on the bike.

It’s candid, it’s adventurous, it’s exciting, and it captures a moment. Those qualities might be exclusive to me. If nothing else, it’s a great bike!

You live in Hawaii, you have so many photo ops there! What is your favorite thing to shoot?

The mountains, ocean, boats, it’s all great. I like pictures of people most though, and people are people… doesn’t make too much difference where they are for a picture – no? I love pictures of nature and landscapes , but honestly i usually don’t share them ’cause I think they’ll bore people. Am I wrong? Lets admit it. Beautiful? Yes, but a little boring. At least in a photo, hardly does justice. I prefer people
Thanks to Nathan for taking the time to do the interview! He is a really super nice guy and I wish him the best!
Visit his blog and say hello and congrats here.

He’s also offering to give out one of his photos as prints! If you are interested, let me know which photo you like of his on this post, and I’ll draw a name via random.org in a couple weeks.
Thanks for reading!

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