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Introduction: Erin Sunday

How exciting to revive Introductions, a little series I used to update frequently with my favorite photographers, bloggers and artists.

Erin 5

I’m happy to begin the series again with Erin Sunday. Besides Erin’s sublime photos, I noticed something unique about them.  Out of all the hundreds of pictures my mind is swimming in, Erin’s photos stand out. I think while most photographers try to bring a little bit of themselves in the photo, they still have anonymity and hide behind the lens. Erin’s photos seemed like they have a sense of vulnerability to them, a sense of earnest appeal with her creative spirit. I wanted to discover a little more about Erin, what inspires her and was very happy she offered up her time to answer some questions for me.

Erin 1

when did you first pick up a camera?
I couldn’t give you an exact age. Some of my earliest memories involve my mom dressing my sisters and I up in matching outfits, taking us to cute locations, and snapping photos of us with a disposable camera. (I have a feeling that she would have loved to be a photographer [like my dad] but couldn’t afford a decent camera.) Every once in a while, I was allowed to take a photo or two. I don’t remember using a non-disposable camera until about 2004, when I was 19.

Erin 2

when did you get into photography?
About 3 years ago. I made a friend who had a nice camera and a passion for photography. He tried to teach me things when we saw each other. However, I moved away shortly after we met and, due to life events, didn’t have much time to really continue on with it until about a year ago. Since then, my interest has only grown. :)

{my favorite from Erin, her own interpretation of Alex, in the film adaption of A Clockwork Orange}Erin 3

what is your favorite camera?
My favorite camera is the one in my hands. :) I haven’t had a lot of experience with different types of cameras, but I sure would like to. Film cameras would definitely be my first choice if I had to choose something to play around with. I shoot with a Nikon D200 right now, but would like a Canon of some type as well.

Erin 6

what inspires you?
Love, first and foremost. I shoot a lot of family portraits so the love between them is definitely something I strive to capture. I also find inspiration in the idea of making things imagined a reality through a photograph. I have yet been able to do this, but it is a goal. :)

Erin 4

Thank you, Erin!


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What’s new!


What’s new besides my blog design? *thanks again to the lovely Sophie!

Of course, almost everything is new here! Except me, you’ll still have the same old me. 

The “athenaeum” section is now in the “about me” section, yes, I finally made one!
My most popular content which was floating all over the place on my old side bar was incorporated into a much cleaner version to hyperlinks in the header.

I love reading emails about my marriage and Scott, but I thought it’d be best to put it in a labeled section. I also get a lot of comments and emails asking about my cameras, and I’m currently working on a separate page for this. I thought it would be easy, but I don’t want to discriminate against any of my cameras, so this is a bit of a longer process than expected (oh, boy!)

I’ll also be going through my blog posts (over a year’s worth!) and re-labeling everything for a much more organized archive label.

I do have favorite blogs I want to show off, and I’m currently getting those buttons together to have a proper page to display my daily reads.

If you notice on my side bar, I kept the section, “you’re my favorite this week”. I wanted to highlight a blog for a week so they wouldn’t get lost amongst tons of links, buttons and banners. Whether it’s the writing, the photography, the content, or if I find myself just getting lost in the site (which is what makes a great blog, right?), it’ll be a blog worth visiting. 

I’m also reviving the Introduction series (remember those, old faithful readers?), and an array of assets to keep my blog the way I want it- simple, clean but full of content. I threw scheduled blogging out the window. I work from home and my job doesn’t have a set schedule, so why should I? This hobby was meant to just that- a hobby.

6,768 Miles Apart is no longer for this time. If it will get a revival, I don’t know, but I know Ana B. and I were in a season of growth and now that we have grown with the series, who knows what’s next? I value each photo we had, our friendship and can give full merit to the series for my love for photography and blogging. When Ana B., and I are both ready, I can’t wait to move forward with what has become my favorite chapter of our.city.lights.

Not only did my blog have a makeover, but in a way, I felt I did, too. I’m working on a personal series that is long overdue (you’ll know when it launches), I’ve come back refreshed, with a new disposition on blogging. The word to describe my blogging experience? Growth. Hopefully, at it’s best.

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Introduction: Cameron Russell (and Giveaway!)

If you are new to this blog, every week I like to present someone inspiring, whether it’s professional or amateur photographer, a fashionista or just a friend that knows how to snap away, this week is no exception. Read the past interviews here.

Flipping through flickr, I discovered Cameron Russell, and it was a gold mine for me. His techniques for his double exposure photos are solidly inspiring and leave me feeling ambitious to keep playing with 120 film. During our email correspondence, I identified a lot with Cameron as a photographer- he reminds me a lot of me when I first discovered Lomography. I completely indulged myself in the hobby and even though Cameron has been using Lomo for 6 months, it has been a complete labor of love and it’s prominent in his photostream. He is a great example of a success with a small little hobby turned into an incredible work of art. For myself, even after almost six years of toying with the company and it’s diverse cameras, Cameron is uplifting and a flash of encouragement.

what is your philosophy on photography?
Keep your eyes open. There is always something to be captured. I always have a camera with me. If you do your eye becomes trained to seek out the beauty in every environment. Photography allows you to find the hidden awesome in all sorts of places. It will help you to appreciate your surroundings and they give back to you.
what inspires you?

The odd and undiscovered mixed with the familiar. Textures and patterns. Since I do a lot of double exposures, I always look for something around me to use as a base for a central image. I love juxtaposition.

what do you think of programs like Picnik and others that
convert digital uploads to that “lomo” and “holga” look?

I’m glad that people like the effect that lomo cameras make that they want to emulate it. I have a few apps on my phone that do that. In the end, I think that the accidental magic of an LC-A,Holga, or Diana can never really be duplicated by a computer. It may look right but the subtle soul of the image feels a little hollow. It doesn’t ring true. At the same time, I say, do it. If you don’t have a Lomo camera and want the look, do what you can to get it. I understand the enchantment of it.
when did you first pick up a camera?

I had some disposable cameras given to me for summer camp when I was 12-14 but none of those ever captured my fascination. My digital point and shoot was given to me about a year or so ago, and that’s when I really started snapping. Even then, I wasn’t mad about photography till X-mas of ’08 when I got my first 2 lomo cameras; a Colorsplash and a Holga 120 CFN.

what is your favorite camera?

Hands down, my LC-A+RL. It fits in my back pocket, it’s sturdy, and has more options than any of my others. Consistent and trustworthy. I fear ever losing it and think about buying a a spare, just in case. I bought it at the beginning of March and have already snapped the shutter about 700 times. I’m glad it’s a healthy addiction but it definitely is an addiction. A tattoo is already being formulated in ly mind for this little fellow.

analog, instant or digital?

Analog. I love the x-mas feeling I get every time I drop off a roll to be processed. I wish I knew how to do it myself, but I’m still too new at this. You will always get more accidental charm from analog than any other medium. Instant is nice, I have a few Polaroid cameras but I’m holding off going more frequent with these until the film pack relaunch in 2010. Digital is only for those moments where I don’t want to put my LC-A+ in danger.

what is your favorite photo and why?

After reviewing them all over again, it has to be the one I took at the jumping fountains at Butler Park, here in Austin. I called it Color Splish Splash. They light up all sorts of choreographed colors at nite. I used my hotshoe ColorSplash to give the upper white parts of the water some color, as well. I can’t get enough of shots that capture the Kinetic and potential energy of a moment. The color and movement make me happy. In the end, that’s all that matters. Pictures that make me happy.

Thanks Cameron for letting me interview you and donating your amazing work!
He is from Austin, TX and if there are any Lomography lovers out there, or people that want to give the hobby a shot, contact him, he wants to hear from you.
I receive a lot of emails asking how to get into Lomography, and as flattered as I am to answer them, I recommend Cameron as a great contact to have. His twitter updates give tips on his photography, also.
Check out his flickr photostream, add him on facebook, follow him on twitter, and check out his cleverly named new blog!

Oooh, imagine one of his photos displayed in your home or sad little cubicle! It would brighten up anyone’s day! Go to his flickr photostream, tell me which one is your favorite and if random.org chooses you on June 9, at 12am, Los Angeles time, I will send you your print of choice!
Good luck!

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