MBP Podcast Companion iPhone/iPad App

The MBP Podcast Companion iPhone/iPad App now available in iTunes!

Buy the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast Companion App

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The MBP Podcast Companion iPhone/iPad App is a portal to a wealth of photography information and education, centered on the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast, Forum and Community, and includes useful applications to help you in your everyday photographic endeavors.

Here are the MBP Podcast Companion Apps main features…

Podcast Player

This is an audio and video player to augment the Podcast. It displays the images being discussed as you listen, and is really just an alternative way to listen to the Podcasts for when you don’t have access to iTunes. You can also play the audio via the player or iTunes on your iPod, while you use the DoF Calculator so we can walk through calculations as you listen when necessary.

Martin Bailey Photography Podcast iPhone/iPad App Screen Martin Bailey Photography Podcast iPhone/iPad App Screen

Depth-of-Field Calculator

The easy to use DoF calculator enables you to see how much of your subject or scene will be in focus with any given camera or CoC (Circle of Confusion) size, focal length, aperture and distance-to-subject combination. Each value can be set individually and you can also see the hyperfocal distance for that focal length/aperture combination or reset the calculator to hyperfocal distance values by tapping the green Hyperfocal Distance box.

Depth-of-Field Calculator Depth-of-Field Calculator - Hyperfocal Distance

NOTE: If all this talk of Circle of Confusion and Hyperfocal Distance is above your head, you really need to buy this app and subscribe to the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast in iTunes! :-)

Camera Updates

If you don’t see your camera in the DoF Calc Camera list, first try tapping the Update button in the bottom right of the Camera list screen. If your camera doesn’t appear, just drop us a line using our Contact Us form, and let us know your camera make and model, and we’ll add it to the list.

Film Camera Users

If you use a film camera, you can select a number of different film size formats under Generic, in the Camera list.

Twitter Updates

There’s a Twitter page that displays Martin’s last 10 Tweets, and has a button to jump to the Twitter time-line, if you want to follow links or interact with Martin etc.

Twitter Updates

Web Site Links

There’s a page with links to the main Web sites that we use on the MBP Community, including the Blog, which automatically formats posts for the iPhone or displays the standard format if you prefer, and you can jump to the forums and Members’ Galleries as well as Martin’s Photography Tour and Workshops site among others.

MBP Web Site Links

Contact Us Links

You know how you sometimes want to ask something or send feedback while listening, but by the time you get to your computer you’ve forgotten? Now there’s a Contact page right there in the app, with links to send Martin an email, or to jump to our Contact form, if you want to send a message via the Web site.

Technical Support

If you should have any problems or questions about the MBP Podcast Companion App, please register on the Martin Bailey Photography Forum and post an explanation of your questions or problem in the Help & Support forum.

Alternatively, you can contact us directly using our Contact Us form, and select Technical Support from the pull-down menu.

Please be clear and specific when raising issues, or it may take longer than necessary to help you.

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Buy and download the MBP Podcast Companion App
