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2012/2013 Full Season LD Topic Analysis Subscription
2012/2013 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Terrorism Due Process
2012/2013 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Universal Health Care
2012/2013 Full Season PF Topic Analysis Subscription
2012/2013 September PF Topic: Assault Weapons Ban
2012/2013 October PF Topic: Climate Change
2012/2013 November PF Topic: Middle East
2012/2013 December PF Topic: Tax Increase v. Spending Cut
2012/2013 Policy Affirmative: EV Cars
2012/2013 Policy Affirmative: High Speed Rail
2012/2013 Policy Affirmative: Mass Transit
2012/2013 Policy Affirmative: Rural Transit
2012/2013 Policy Affirmative: Waterways
2012/2013 Policy Negative: Elections DA
2012/2013 Policy Negative: Saudi Oil DA
2012/2013 Policy Negative: Spending DA
2012/2013 Policy Negative: States CP
2012/2013 Policy Negative: Topicality
2012/2013 Policy Kritik: Capitalism
2012/2013 Policy Kritik: Foucault
2012/2013 Policy Kritik: Objectivism
2012/2013 Policy Kritik: Virilio
The Lincoln-Douglas Debate Canon New!
Advanced Concepts in Lincoln-Douglas Debate 2012 New!
The Value and Criterion Handbook New!
Domestic Affairs Primer 2012 Newly Updated!
International Affairs Primer 2012 Newly Updated!
Economic Affairs Primer 2012 Newly Updated!
How to Lincoln-Douglas Debate
The Victory Briefs Value Handbook #1 (Retired)
The Victory Briefs Value Handbook #2 (Retired)
The Victory Briefs Value Handbook #3 (Retired)
The Criteria Handbook (Retired)
The Philosophers Guide
How to Extemp
Mastering Championship Policy Debate
2011/2012 Full Season LD Subscription
2011/2012 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Rich Poor Gap
2011/2012 Mar/Apr LD Topic: Targeted Killing
2011/2012 Jan/Feb LD Topic: Domestic Violence
2011/2012 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Assisting People In Need
2011/2012 Sept/Oct Resolution: Animal Rights
2010/2011 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Universal Human Rights
2010/2011 Jan/Feb LD Topic: Juvenile Justice
2010/2011 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Drug Abuse
2010/2011 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Nuclear Weapons
2009/2010 March/April LD Topic: Jury Nullification
2009/2010 Jan/Feb LD Topic: Economic Sanctions
2009/2010 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Immunization
2009/2010 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Standardized Exams
2008/2009 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Conscription
2008/2009 March/April LD Topic: Vigilantism
2008/2009 Jan/Feb LD Topic: International Court
2008/2009 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Felon Voting
2008/2009 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Kill One To Save Many
2007/2008 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Economic Equality
2007/2008 March/April LD Topic: Hate Crime
2007/2008 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Plea Bargaining
2007/2008 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Death Penalty
2006/2007 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Violent Revolution
2006/2007 March/April LD Topic: U.N. v. Sovereignty
2006/2007 Jan/Feb LD Topic: Corporations
2006/2007 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Domestic Violence
2006/2007 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Health Care
2005/2006 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Military Intel
2005/2006 March/April LD Topic: Juvenile Crime
2005/2006 Jan/Feb LD Topic: Eminent Domain
2005/2006 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Judicial Activism
2005/2006 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Immigration
2004/2005 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Scientific Knowledge
2004/2005 March/April LD Topic: Civil Liberties
2004/2005 Jan/Feb LD Topic: Church and State
2004/2005 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Democratic Ideals
2004/2005 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Privacy
2003/2004 NFL Nationals LD Topic: Civil Disobedience
2003/2004 March/April LD Topic: Common Good
2003/2004 Jan/Feb LD Topic: Environment v. Economic Development
2003/2004 Nov/Dec LD Topic: Mitigate International Conflict
2003/2004 Sept/Oct LD Topic: Privileged Communication
2011/2012 Full Season PF Subscription
2011/2012 NFL Nationals PF Topic: Stand Your Ground Laws
2011/2012 April PF Topic: Childhood Vaccination
2011/2012 March PF Topic: Aid to Pakistan
2011/2012 February PF Topic: Birthright Citizenship
2011/2012 January PF Topic: College Costs
2011/2012 December PF Topic: Income Disparities
2011/2012 November PF Topic: Popular Vote v. Electoral College
2011/2012 October PF Topic: Space Exploration
2011/2012 September PF Topic: Security v. Liberty
2010/2011 NFL Nationals PF Topic: Democracy Promotion
2010/2011 January PF Topic: Plea Bargaining
2010/2011 December PF Topic: Cyberbullying
2010/2011 November PF Topic: Religious Issues
2010/2011 October PF Topic: Afghanistan
2010/2011 September PF Topic: Drilling
2009/2010 November PF Topic: Failed Nations
2009/2010 September PF Topic: Immigration
2008/2009 NFL Nationals PF Topic: Cuba
2008/2009 April PF Topic: Employee Free Choice Act
2008/2009 March PF Topic: No Child Left Behind
2008/2009 February PF Topic: BRIC
2008/2009 January PF Topic: Alternative Fuels
2008/2009 December PF Topic: Social Networking
2008/2009 November PF Topic: Universal Health Care
2008/2009 October PF Topic: Nuclear Energy
2008/2009 September PF Topic: Military Draft
2011/2012 Policy Affirmative: Space Tourism
2011/2012 Policy Affirmative: Space Solar Power
2011/2012 Policy Affirmative: Asteroid Mining
2011/2012 Policy Affirmative: SETI
2011/2012 Policy Affirmative: Space Shuttle
2011/2012 Policy Kritik: Biopower
2011/2012 Policy Kritik: Capitalism
2011/2012 Policy Kritik: Objectivism
2011/2012 Policy Kritik: Psychopolitics
2011/2011 Policy Negative: Privatization Counterplan
2011/2012 Policy Negative: China DA
2011/2012 Policy Negative: Space Weapons DA
2011/2012 Policy Negative: Spending DA
2011/2012 Policy Negative: Topicality