Bill Taylor On: MIX It Up!…

May 13 2010

Bill Taylor wrote a great article on the Harvard Business Review Blogs (HBR Blogs). The full title of the article is: “MIX It Up! Why Freedom Is a Bigger Game than Power.”

Bill sums up the goals and objectives of The MIX extremely well and gives great context in its application to the systems and challenges of management today.

Here’s a snippet from his article (full article here):

So much of how we think about strategy, competition, and management remains centered on the zero-sum logic of amassing power: For me to win, you must lose. But almost anything that’s hopeful and positive about business today is premised on spreading freedom — inviting all sorts of people, inside and outside your organization, to contribute ideas, improve your products and services, and otherwise have a voice and a seat at the table that they never used to have. For leaders, the most important question today is not How many people or departments or business units do you control? It is How much energy and participation have you unleashed?

It’s been a thrill and an honor to work with Gary, Michele, Dave, Polly, and the rest of the team at The MIX. And big thanks to Andy Lark and Dell for their support. Stay tuned for more MIX’ing greatness!


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  1. [...] Bill Taylor On: Mix It Up!… [...]

    By 1,000,000+ Page Views on The MIX! | RD2 Blog on July 8th, 2011 at 12:24 pm

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